The Members Facebook Group is a private group, as it tells, to the club members only.
- Why joining the group?
The members private group is a tool that allows every club members to exhange amongst them and to get direct communications from the staff. It also allows, thanks to our map, to find club members. You will be able to chat and even enliven the group.
As it is a way to interact with other club members, you will also be able to find or rediscover any local member and to propose a local meeting if you want.
With the members group, you have access to booths, local meetings or any other animations news that you or anyone else suggested!
- How to join it?
Nothing could be more simple, ask your group access: click right here.
- Is it an official club channel for members?
Yes: the private group belongs to the club, it's a communication and news medium for members only. The club communicates on that channel for information purposes, you can get official news directly, but don't forget to read your emails and the Members Forum. We encourage all of your initiatives and propositions, you contribute to the group and association animation!
STFC's Members Facebook Group Guidelines
Prime Directive
This group belongs to the Star Trek French Club association and is opened to all people interested into this franchose, for members only.
To this end, we ask you to carefully read this guideline and to respect articles and instructions.
For everybody's peace, administrators will remove every posts and/or comments against that policy without notice.
Directive 2
Your posts
Please, only post Star Trek topics.
We are exclusively opting for debate and thinking posts.
If you post a basic picture, please accompany it with a small paragraph.
Directive 3
French usage
We demand a usage of French for any posts so that members can participate.
If you repost a foreign article, please accompany it with a short French summary.
Nobody has a good command of spelling. However, we don't allow text message language.
Directive 4
Star Trek is a very diversified franchise. You can like or dislike this or that aspect, and others as well.
No one knows the truth. Also, we ask you to be polite and to objectively argue your comments and posts.
Directive 5
Flowery vocabulary
Shit, Fuck, Dammit and other fun are in dictionaries but are not allowed in the group.
Please, note that administrators are applying an absolute zero tolerance on that subject.
Posts including that kind of words are removed in a systematic way and without notice.
Directive 6
Other websites promotion
Fundamentally, we support every Star Trek related organizations and websites.
Notwithstanding, the STFC doesn't have any full-page advertisement vocation, we thank you of asking us the authorization to promote your own website (or also for a particular request out of Star Trek).
Directive 7
Racists, sexists, homophobes, professional haters and other trolls that want to kill their boredom, you are free to click on "Exit the group" button (before we do it).
Directive 8
Classified ads (sales)
We only allow private seller classified ads, only about Star Trek and with exception.
We are not mediators, parties engage their own responsibilities.
Ads not meeting this policy will be removed.